Embrace Church was planted on January 10th, 2016 out of the missional vision of Cornerstone Church, also located in Auburn, AL. The heart of Embrace Church is in our very name. Most are familiar with the word "embrace" having the meaning of holding a person closely in one's arms or to show great support. But for us, this word “embrace” acts as a kind of signpost, pointing us towards the parable of The Prodigal Son, where Jesus taught of his Father’s redeeming love.

The Prodigal Son by Charlie Mackesy

"But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him."

Luke 15:20

At Embrace Church, we are people who have been captured by this scene and the one who first told of it. It is our heart to live as his disciples and join him in offering this kind of redemptive love to the world around us. 

Since our beginning we have gathered for worship in our temporary home at Lee-Scott Academy. In the fall of 2023 we will be transitioning to our newly constructed church home on North College Street in Auburn.